The Word, leaving his Father in heaven, came down to be joined to
his Wife, and slept in the trace of his Passion, and willingly suffered
death for her, that he might present the Church to himself, glorious
and blameless, having cleansed her by the laver, for the receiving of
the spiritual and blessed seed which is sown by him who, with whispers,
implants it in the depths of the mind, and is conceived and formed by
the Church, as by a woman, so as to give birth and nourishment to
virtue. For in this way, too, the command "Increase and multiply" is
duly fulfilled, the Church increasing daily in greatness and beauty and
multitude by the union and communion of the Word who now still comes
down to us and falls into a trance by the Memorial of his Passion.
Methodius: Banquet of the Ten Virgins.
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